Michigan State University
Annotated Transcript
Issues in Urban Education: Racial Achievement Gap
EAD* 830
Spring 2017
Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Jacobsen
This course was one of the first courses that I took for my Master's and reminded me why I love teaching where I am. The focus of this course was on the racial achievement. We looked in-depth into reasons as well as strategies to help improve it. Restorative Justice was brought to my attention and I was able to assist in the implementation of it within my current school.
Issues & Strategies in Multicultural Education
EAD* 850
Spring 2017
Instructor: Dr. Riyad Shahjahan
This course focused on the historical, pedagogical, and administrative considerations of multicultural education. We looked into the transition from segregated to integrated schools. This course brought the subtle ways, that teachers are not aware of, that are used to discriminate against students. Oddly enough, it also showed me the importance of a student's name.
Concepts of Educational Inquiry
ED+ 800
Fall 2017
Instructor: Dr. Steven Weiland and Nathan Clason
This course focused on the different methods used for collecting information when it comes to education. We looked at theories, teaching philosophies, observational studies and teacher inquiry. In looking at all of these methods, I discovered that I have more appreciate, and find more value, in teacher inquiry. Proven ideas and methods and detailed information regarding implementation helps guide me to apply the method to my own classroom.
Teaching School Mathematics
TE^ 855
Fall 2017
Instructor: Prof. Samuel Luke Tunstall
This course is the only Math focused course that I took for my Master's. The information provided in this course, made me wish that I had more time available to take other classes like it. It showed methods for you implementing group based learning and accumulated into a term paper regarding focus of Mathematical Practices from National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in your classroom.
Psychology of Learning in School & Other Settings
CEP# 800
Spring 2018
Instructor: Dr. Hannah Klautke
Unlike teaching, where you focus on methods to reach different kinds of learners, this class focused on the learning itself. It was hard to focus on making the switch how to accommodate to just look at the learning itself. The final project was a combination of your Learning Philosophy and Teaching Philosophy and the changes that appeared from the course.
Teaching in Postsecondary Education
EAD* 866
Spring 2018
Instructor: Dr. John Dirkx
As the title states, this course focused on teaching at the postsecondary level. We covered adult learning, strategies, as well as how to plan. This course was like all of my teaching course rolled into one. Many ideas cross over into adult education, but there were some ideas and concepts that I hadn't thought of. My favorite part of this course was designing a syllabus for a course we wanted to teach.
Engaging Diverse Students & Families
EAD* 822
Summer 2018
Instructor: Dr. Kristy Cooper Stein
This course focused on teaching a diverse student body. When teachers do not share the same culture as those around them, there is so much that the teacher is missing out on. We had to complete a Memoir Analysis of someone outside of our culture, which was fascinating to me. We also focused on how to connect with not only students and their individual families, but also the community as a whole.
Adult Career Development
EAD* 864
Summer 2018
Instructor: Dr. Steven Weiland
This class focused on the development of careers. We looked at the career of some major people, such as Steve Jobs, and some non-traditional careers, such as the Fisherman Linda Greenlaw. We analyzed their careers in regards to certain ideas, such as career skills being applied to other careers and the pillars of a career.
Program Planning & Evaluation in Postsecondary Contexts
EAD* 877
Fall 2018
Instructor: Dr. John Dirkx
This course focused on creating programs within the postsecondary level. Programs are things like professional development, conferences, and actual courses. I learned how to determine the need for a program as well as the how to navigate the creation of one. The final project was creating a plan for the development of a program at the college level.
Capstone Seminar
ED+ 870
Fall 2018
Instructor: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Sarah Keenan-Lecehl, Aric Gaunt, and Sukanya Moudgalya
This capstone is a accumulation of all of my hard work for my Master's. It took all of the courses and represents them in a unique way. I enjoyed looking at my graduate career and reflecting on the difference my Master of Arts in Education has had. It was with the guidance of this course that I was able to create this very website.
*EAD: Educational Administration
+ED: Education
^TE: Teacher Education
#CEP: Counseling, Educ Psy & Spec Ed